Cancer Care Navigator Service
The Cancer Care Navigators are here to help people get the right help and support with all non-medical needs.
They are trained staff working alongside Ipswich and Colchester hospital and with the local GP surgeries to support newly diagnosed patients, their families and carers with practical, financial and emotional concerns they might have.
We are able to offer practical support and advice, which might include:
- Helping patients improve their health and wellbeing
- Pointing patients towards relevant cancer support groups and courses
- Referring patients for emotional support where needed, and identifying who may be best placed to support them
- Advising patients on how to talk to family and friends about cancer
- Linking patients in with services and support in their local area
- Facilitating access to support for any practical needs
Supporting patients with the transition back to daily life, as their care moves from a hospital setting to a community setting.
You can self-refer by calling Colchester on 01206 487288 or Ipswich on 01473 702125 or you can email