Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Lambsale Meadow, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 1DY

Tel: 01728 602 022

Contact Details


Booking Appointments

You can book an appointment by telephone by calling reception on 01728 602022.

Some appointments are available to book on-line.

Online appointments

To make online appointments you will need to register for the service. Please contact reception for your username and password.

Please let us know if you have any special requirement when making your appointment, including if you have caring responsibilities.


Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment from one of our doctors within 48 hours. You can use eConsults for specific conditions, general symptoms or to request sick notes and other administrative help. Submit an eConsult.

Submit an eConsult for non-urgent clinical advise or administrative queries.

Unable to keep an appointment?

Please let the surgery know if you are unable to keep your appointment, as we will try to offer it to another patient. You can cancel your appointments with the NHS App.

Do you use a Taxi Service to attend appointments?

Due to the unpredictable nature of General Practice, unfortunately there may be a delay in your appointment time.  Therefore, please do not ask taxis to wait for you to attend your appointment.

Should you require assistance in phoning a taxi to collect you, our Front of House team will be happy to help.

Mobile phone text message appointment reminders

The Surgery offers a free appointment reminder service by text message, so please register for this by giving us your current mobile telephone number.

Arriving for your appointment

On arrival at the surgery, please either report to a receptionist who will mark you in on the computerised appointment diary or you could try out our automated check in screen. When the clinician is ready to see you your name will appear on the screen in the corner of the waiting room. The screen will display the room number and the clinician you are seeing.

If you have vision problems or are hard of hearing, please tell a receptionist on arrival. We will ensure you do not miss your appointment.

We also use the calling screen to pass on information and messages. For example, if a doctor has been called out on an urgent visit.

Should you be unable to keep an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

GP+ Appointments

Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctor’s appointment or are unable to see their GP during normal GP hours.  Appointments can be made via Reception during our usual opening hours. Please note that patients cannot refer themselves to this service. The service is staffed by local Suffolk GPs and Nurse Practitioners in Ipswich, Felixstowe, Stowmarket, Leiston and Wickham Market and is an NHS service delivered by the Suffolk GP Federation. You will be given a booked appointment and will be seen by a suitable local GP or nurse who will have access to your medical records (once consent is given).

Telephone Advice

Our telephone system is very busy first thing in the morning, especially on Mondays. Our clinicians are happy to give advice over the telephone or offer a pre-booked telephone appointment. Please leave your contact details with our receptionists, along with an indication of your problem and a message will be left for the doctors or nurses attention. Telephone consultations are available for problems that can be dealt with by phone.